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EuzenConnect Jobs is your trusted source for West Michigan job openings. Get up-to-date information through our website and follow us on social!


Brand of Belonging

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Job Posting

Post jobs manually as you need them filled or let us import them to save you time!

Objective Candidate Matching

Match your jobs to candidates using objective criteria with the click of a button!

Inclusive Posting Review

Review sourcing language to avoid exclusionary terms and gendered phrases to expand your applicant pool!

Message Center

Communicate with individual candidates or a group from our private Message Center to schedule interviews.

Custom Dashboard

All of your account stats are displayed on an easy-to-read dashboard each time you sign in so you can continually monitor your ROI.


Career Fit Profile

Complete an assessment and receive a free career fit profile to guide your search.

Job Search

Search and apply to jobs that meet your interests!

Job Matches

Good jobs are automatically matched to your profile.

Easy Apply

Apply with your resume to save time! Your resume is saved for future applications.

Job Alerts

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Find Solutions

As transportation or childcare challenges surface, we will connect you to resources to help.